What I Believe
What I Believe
© 2009 by Dennis L. Harrison
There’s a lot of speculation about the shroud of Turin.
Is it the burial cloth of the Son of man?
I really don’t know.
if you would ask for my opinion,
Id have to say to you I don’t care if it’s fake or it’s true.
I believe that the stone was rolled away,
And that Jesus Christ has overcome the grave.
And I believe that His blood can save,
And there’s power when I call upon His name.
Lots of misinformation about old Da Vincis code;
It denies the fact that Jesus rose.
And His divinity..
Just a story in a novel-purely fictional
Don’t be taken in; it’s not Biblical.
Id like to warn you-don’t be deceived.
Some new ideas aren’t what they seem.
Salvation’s a gift that can’t be seen.
It’s by grace through faith we’ve been redeemed.