You’ll Be Saved
By Dennis L. Harrison - 3:18

You’ll Be Saved

© 2015 by Dennis L. Harrison

Whosoever calls on the name of the Lord
     will be saved
If you will confess with your mouth the
     Lord, you’ll be saved
If you believe in your heart that God raised
     Him from the grave

You’re gonna be saved,
     you’re gonna be saved
For with the heart a man believes unto
For with the mouth confession is made
     unto saving grace
Scripture says, on Him who believes shall
     not be ashamed


It’s just that simple there is no compromise
     He uses simple things to confound the wise
It’s just that simple if you wanna be saved
     Whosoever calls on the name of the Lord
will be saved
     If you will confess with your mouth the
Lord. vou’ll be saved
     If you believe in your heart that God raised
Him from the grave

You’re gonna be saved,
     You’re gonna be saved
You’re gonna be saved


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