Will You Follow Me?
By Dennis L. Harrison - 4:34

Will You Follow Me?

© 2011 by Dennis L. Harrison

Will you follow; will you follow-
     Will you follow Me?
I am calling; I am calling,
     “Will you follow Me?”
I’ve paid the price,
     Rose from the grave.
Won’t you hear My plea?
     “Take up your cross today and follow Me.?”

You need a Savior in your life.
     His still small voice
You can’t deny.
     You know you need
To make a change.
     Why don’t you give Him all your pain?

Will you follow; will you follow-
     Will you follow Me?
I am calling; I am calling,
     “Will you follow Me?”
I’ve paid the price,
     Rose from the grave.
Won’t you hear My plea?
     “Take up your cross today and follow Me.”

The Lord is knocking at your door.
     With anguished words, He does implore.
He wants your new life to begin.
     Unlock your heart and let Him in.

Will you follow; will you follow-
     Will you follow Me?
I am calling; I am calling,
     “Will you follow Me?”
I’ve paid the price,
     Rose from the grave.
Won’t you hear My plea?
     “Take up your cross today and follow Me.”

My Word–a lamp unto your feet
     And a light unto your path.
I’ll be your Shepherd; you’ll be My sheep
     If you’ll hear My voice and come and follow Me.

Can’t you hear Him?
     Will you follow; will you follow-
Will you follow Me?
     I am calling; I am calling,
“Will you follow Me?”
     I’ve paid the price,
Rose from the grave.
     Won’t you hear My plea?
“Take up your cross today and follow Me.”

“Take up your cross today and follow Me.”

Click below to stream this song!


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