Who Do You Say That I Am?
By Dennis L. Harrison - 3:36

Who Do You Say That I Am?

© 2007 by Dennis L. Harrison

Livin’ here in the U.S.A., life is good most every way.
     You gotta job, you’re raisin’ the kids- everything’s okay.
All the things that you possess hasn’t brought you happiness;
     You’ve gotta achin’ deep inside; it’s time to decide…

Who I am. The Lord is askin’ – Teacher and just a man?
     Who I am. The Lord is callin’ – Savior and God’s own Son?
If you’re lookin’ for the answer to the question He has posed,
     Who I am, you’ll find the answer in God’s Word.

Your goin’ on from day to day,
     Tryin’ to balance your work and play.
But satisfaction’s hard to find–no peace of mind.
     You’ve heard that there’s a better way.
So you bowed your head and prayed,
     “God, I’m tired of playin’ games; this question remains…”

Who do you say that I am?
     This is the question that He asks every man.
God on earth or just a man?

Who I am. The Lord is askin’-Teacher and just a man?
     Who I am. The Lord is callin’–Savior and God’s own Son?
If you’re looking for the answer to the question He has posed,
     “Who I am,” you’ll find the answer in God’s Word.

Yes, you’ll find the answer,
     Oh, yes, you’ll find the answer
In God’s Word. To all your questions,
     You’ll find all the answers in God’s Word.

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