The Road To Emmaus
The Road To Emmaus
© 2011 by Dennis L. Harrison
Early before the walk to Emmaus
Mary went to visit Jesus’ tomb
When she arrived she saw that He was
Then she beheld Him in all of His glory
and power
Running to town she told the disciples
That she had seen Jesus and He was
And that two men asked her why seek the
living among the dead?
The disciples didn’t believe a single word
that she’d said
Don’t you know that
On the Road to Emmaus they cried so
many tears
They had their doubts and so many fears.
They didn’t realize Jesus was walking
with them.
They finally saw it was Jesus and He
was alive.
The One that they loved had been
crucified, it had been three days since He
had died.
They didn’t know the stranger was Him,
Jesus was walkin’ beside of them.
As they walked along the stranger did
tell them
Everything from the beginning to the end
Arriving late to town all tired and hungry
While breaking bread He revealed
Himself unto them
But don’t you know that