The Many Names Of Jesus
By Dennis L. Harrison - 4:02

The Many Names Of Jesus

by Spirit Driven | Travelin With Jesus

The Many Names Of Jesus

© 2016 by Dennis L. Harrison

Oh, the many names of Jesus-
     Prince of Peace, Mighty God, Wonderful, Counselor,
Holy One, Lamb of God, Prince of Life, Lord God Almighty,
     Lord of All, Son of God, our Advocate, the Only Way,
Righteous Judge, King of kings, Light of the world,
     And the Messiah.

And thou shalt call His name Jesus, and, yes,
     He is called by man, names.
There’s no other power on earth can free us;
     That’s why His saving grace, I will proclaim!

Oh the many names of Jesus.
     Bishop of Souls, Shepherd and Life, Day Spring,
Governor, the great I Am, Head of the church,
     The Cornerstone, the Root of David, the Lion of Judah,
Author and Finisher of our faith, Horn of Salvation,
     Giver of Grace, Resurrection, Savior and Friend,
Alpha and Omega, the Beginning and End.

And thou shalt call His name Jesus, and, yes,
     He is called by man, names.
There’s no other power on earth can free us;
     That’s why His saving grace, I will proclaim!

We need to praise the Lord, oh, praise the Lord,
     Praise the Lord! Hallelujah! Praise the Lord!
Every knee shall bow on that day on that day;
     Every tongue confess Jesus is Lord.
Jesus is Lord, Jesus is Lord, Jesus is Lord!

And thou shalt call His name Jesus, and, yes,
     He is called by man, names.
There’s no other power on earth can free us;
     That’s why His saving grace, I will proclaim!

Oh, the many names of Jesus!
     Oh, the many names of Jesus!
Oh, the many names of Jesus!

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