By D. Harrison - 3:37


by Spirit Driven 2 | Spirit Driven 2


© 2006 by Dennis L. Harrison

Bobby……he’s a friend of mine; I love him like a brother.
     He was born blind but can play guitar like no other.
We talk about the other side and what we’ll do up there,
     Then he’ll say, “Someday…

Someday I’m gonna see my blessed Savior’s face-
     The One Who saved me by His loving grace.
Until that time, I’ll need some help getting round this old dark place.
     Someday, I’ll see His face..someday?

Kenny is a friend of mine; I love him like a brother.
     Been wheelchair-bound since that nineteen-ninety summer.
We talk about the other side and what we’ll do up there,
     Then he’ll say, “Someday..

Someday I’m gonna see my blessed Savior’s face-
     The One Who saved me by His loving grace.
Until that time, I’ll need some help getting round from place to place.
     Someday, I’ll walk again..someday.”

One thing for sure, we all have our problems.
     One thing for sure, we all have our pain.
Someday when we all get over yonder,
     We’ll be changed- never the same.

Mary…she’s a friend of mine; I love her like a sister.
     Raisin’ three kids alone sometimes it gets to her.
We talk about the other side and what we’ll do up there.
     Then she’ll say, “Someday…

Someday I’m gonna see my blessed Savior’s face-
     The One Who saved me by His loving grace.
Until that time, I’ll need some help getting through the hurt and pain.
     Someday, I’ll love again..”

“Someday I’m gonna see my blessed Savior’s face-
     The One Who saved me by His loving grace.
Until that time, I’ll need some help, His love, His kind embrace.
     Someday, someday, someday……Ill see His face.”

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