So Little Time
By J. McCuin - 2:25

So Little Time

by Spirit Driven 2 | Spirit Driven 2

So Little Time

© 2008 by Jesse L. McCuin

The words of God will not return void;
     In His promise so many have joyed.
We’ve said it once; we’ll say it again:
     Grace is enough to cover our sins.

So many songs but so little time to reach lost hearts,
     And help change their minds.
What do we say, and where do we look?
     The answer is clear; it’s found in the Book.

Where do we go to spread this Good News?
     Not where the choirs have filled up the pews.
Missions and jails and prisons so drear,
     All need to know the kingdom is near.

So many songs but so little time to reach lost hearts,
     And help change their minds.
What do we say, and where do we look?
     The answer is clear: it’s found in the Book.

See the open eyes.
     Feed the listenin’ ears.
Hear the joyous songs.
     Know that God is here.

So many songs but so little time to reach lost hearts,
     And help change their minds.
What do we say and where do we look?
     The answer is clear: it’s found in the Book.

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