Just The Signs Of The Times
By Dennis L. Harrison - 3:45

Just The Signs Of The Times

by Spirit Driven | Not Alone

Just The Signs Of The Times

© 2009 by Dennis L. Harrison

Wars and rumors of wars.
     The love of many grows cold.
Earth like a garment grows old;
     It’s just the signs of the times.

One global system
     Were watched by satellite.
A number for everyone;
     It’s just the signs of the times.

Just the signs of the times, baby,
     Just the signs of the times.
If you let it, it will drive you crazy;
     It can mess with your mind.
You’re salt and light, and I don’t mean maybe,
     So let your little light shine.
Don’t be fearful of the powers of darkness;
     It’s just the signs of the times.

You know the Lord will return;
     He could come back tonight
From heaven with power and might.
     Now’s the time to get right.

Just the signs of the times, baby,
     Just the signs of the times.
If you let it, it will drive you crazy;
     It can mess with your mind.
You’re salt and light, and I don’t mean maybe,
     So let your little light shine.
Don’t be fearful of the powers of darkness;
     It’s just the signs of the times.

For as the lightning shines
     From the east to the west-
For everyone to see.
     So shall the coming of the Son of Man be in all His glory.

Just the signs of the times, baby,
     Just the signs of the times.
If you let it, it will drive you crazy;
     It can mess with your mind.
You’re salt and light, and I don’t mean maybe,
     So let your little light shine.
Don’t be fearful of the powers of darkness;
     It’s just the signs of the times.

Don’t be fearful of the powers of darkness;
     It’s just the signs of the times.

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