It’s All About Souls
By Dennis L. Harrison - 3:38

It's All About Souls

by Spirit Driven | Travelin' With Jesus

It’s All About Souls

© 2017 by Dennis L. Harrison

You can give-um all a Turkey Dinner
at Thanks-giv-ing time
Or a warm cozy bed in the winter,
that would be just fine.
Get-him a job, special training and a nice new home (Oh yeah)
But remember what Jesus said,
“A man don’t live by bread a-lone!”

It’s all about Souls………..
and where they will go……
You can feed ‘um a meal,
give ‘um shoes and a brand new set of clothes
but at the end of the day
your mission better be about their Souls!

You can warm ‘um in the Winter
and cool ‘um from the hot sun-shine……..
You can Pro-vide ‘um with a shower,
some shampoo and Your very last dime……..
give  an O-bama phone,
sun-glasses and a fine tooth comb………
But re-member what Jesus said,
“A man don’t live by bread a-lone!”


Now don’t get me wrong,
I know that people need all these things
But a-long with love they need Salvation
and the Grace that it brings


That’s why at the end of the day
your mission better be about their Souls
Ooooh,  It’s like my cousin Shirley always says:
“It’s All About souls”

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