By Jesse McCuin - 3:29


by Spirit Driven | Eight Days That Changed The World


© 2021 by Jesse McCuin

Thursday, in an upper room,
     Jesus washed his friends’ feet.
About the bread and wine, Jesus said,
     take these in memory of me.
Then Judas left, to betray the Lord
     The other to Gethsemane

Father, if it would be Your will, let this
     cup pass from Me
Father, if it would be Your will, let this
     cup pass from Me
Father, if it would be Your will, let this
     cup pass from Me
But nonetheless, let Thy will be done,
     Even to Calvary’s tree
For the sins of man this Lamb will die

With torches and lanterns and weapons
     they came
Satan’s the blame, made Judas betray
     Satan’s the blame, made Judas betray
With torches and lanterns, and weapons
     they came
And a kiss that harbored no shame
     And a kiss that harbored no shame

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