Four Blood Moons
By Dennis L. Harrison - 4:12

Four Blood Moons

©2013 by Dennis L. Harrison

Heaven and earth shall pass away,
     But My words never ever pass away.
When you see the fig tree bloom,
     Know that summertime is near.
In those days the sun won’t be as bright,
     And the moon will not give up its light,
And the stars fall from the sky,
     And the heavens will shake.

Verily verily I say unto you,
     This generation will not pass from view.
Till all these things that are written
     Be fulfilled.

Blood red moon–just another sign
     That He’s comin’ back real soon.
Are you ready? Are you ready for four blood moons?
     There’s gonna be a sign in the heavens-
A signal of doom. Are you ready?
     Are you ready for four blood moons?

He’s comin’ down to earth on a great white horse;
     His eyes on fire like a burning bush,
His robe dipped in blood and many crowns on His head.
     His name is called the Word of God,
And written on His thigh are the words.
     “King of kings and Lord of lords.”

Blood red moon–just another sign
     That He’s comin’ back real soon.
Are you ready? Are you ready for four blood moons?
     There’s gonna be a sign in the heavens-
A signal of doom. Are you ready?
     Are you ready for four blood moons?

Wed better watch;
     Wed better pray.
Don’t know the hour,
     We don’t know the day-

Are you ready for…
     Blood red moon–just another sign
That He’s comin’ back real soon.
     Are you ready? Are you ready for four blood moons?
There’s gonna be a sign in the heavens-
     A signal of doom. Are you ready?
Are you ready for four blood moons?

Four blood moons…
     Four blood moons..
Four blood moons…
     Four blood moons…

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