For You And Me
By Dennis L. Harrison - 3:52

For You And Me

© 2006 by Dennis L. Harrison

No, it didn’t feel so good
     When they laid the stripes upon His back.
So we could be free from sickness and from pain,
     But He said that it was worth it.

No, it didn’t feel so good
     When they placed the thorns upon His brow.
And they shouted out, “Here is the Jewish King,”
     But He said that it was worth it–for you and me.

For you and me, for you and me,
     He paid it all for you and me.
For you and me, for you and me.
     He paid it all for you and me.

No, it didn’t feel so good
     When they nailed His hands upon the cross.
The same hands that touched so many lame and lost,
     But He said that it was worth it.

No, it didn’t feel so good
     When they thrust the spear into His side.
And the blood and water flowed down to the ground.
     But He said that is was finished- for you and me.

Though you’re a sinner,
     He died for you.
With all my transgressions,
     He died for me.

He rose again, He rose again.
     After three days, He rose again
For you and me, for you and me,
     He paid it all for you and me.
Yes, He paid it all for you and me.


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