Do You Know The Lord
By Dennis L. Harrison - 3:23

Do You Know The Lord

by Spirit Driven | Eight Days That Changed The World

Do You Know The Lord?

© 2009 by Dennis L. Harrison

I’m glad that I know the Lord
     I’m glad that I know the Lord
He took away all my sins;
     He gave me such peace within.
If and when He calls me home,
     I will be with Him.

Do… do you know the Lord?
     Do… do you know the Lord?
How you dealing with your sin?
     Do you have peace within?
If you were to die today,
     Would you make it in?

I wanna tell vou this:
     You must be born again.
Or you will never get in the Kingdom
     of God.

Will…will you follow Him?
     Will.. will vou follow Him?
He died upon a cruel tree.
     For you He died in misery.
His gift for eternity, If you’ll follow

Will…will you follow Him?
     WiIl…will you follow Him?
Will…will you follow Him?

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