Dirty Devil Man
By Jesse L. McCuin - 5:07

Dirty Devil Man

by Spirit Driven | Travelin' With Jesus

Dirty Devil Man

© 2018 by Jesse L. McCuin

I call him the “Dirty Devil Man,
     out to catch my eternal soul
I call him the “Dirty Devil Man,
     out to catch my eternal soul
I guess ole’ Dirty ain’t heart it, but
     Jesus washed it white as snow!

He got kicked right out of Heaven
     Cause his heart was filled with pride
He kicked right out of Heaven
     Cause his heart was filled with pride
Fell right here among us,
     A heavy curse to all mankind!

Like a “Roarin’ Lion.” out to eat
     what he can catch. Yeah
He’s like a “Roarin’ Lion.” out to eat
     what he can catch. But
When it comes to Jesus. You know
     Ole’ Dirty’s met his match!


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